Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Day 12: Tropic of Cancer, East Cancer...

~ 25th March 2014 ~
What were we doing here? What were we suppose to at? That concrete pole? Gosh.... what did those words mean? The guide was explaining but to me, he's just speaking alien language. My travel buddy aka my translator seemed not to know her own mother tongue. Look at her sleepy face!
Should we concentrate on the two-toned combination of the sea and the ocean? What on earth were we suppose to look at? We didn't know anything so I just snapped away anything that's beautiful.
Even the paddy field was beautiful. This is the part we finally understood why there was no high speed rail on the east section of the island. This is the rice bowl of the nation and the back bone of the entire nation. If this place is developed like the west-side, the nation will have to feed on paper leaves and chew on concrete and steel. Agriculture might not be what the modern generation will want to take up, but it's the source of food where the poor and rich needed. It's basic need.
I Googled about the Tropic of Cancer and there's this lengthy explanation from Wikipedia, beats me, I have no idea what it's trying to say. The summer solstice or the equinox or whatever, I only studied that very small part when I was in high school, form 2 but it was so short there was nothing much to learn. I live near the equator so whatever winter, summer, autumn or spring will not affect me. Thus, I have never bother trying to understand about the four seasons. 

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