Monday, December 21, 2015

Day 13: Shakadang Trail, Taroko National Park...

~ 26th March 2014 ~
Looking back at the many photos, I wondered why were we so excited about this place. The volume of water in the river has not increase yet and the amount of rainfall was not enough to make the river water flow at it's top speed. The waterfall dried up as well.
Oh well the walking trail itself was rather fascinating. It looked like the rock has been sliced in the middle to give way for humans to walk through them. Just don't collapse one day... you will never know.
The guide said the slowest tourist took at least 2.5 hours to complete the trail, to and fro. I thought we wouldn't end up as such slow pokes but then I was wrong, we were worst than the slowest pokes. There ain't no fun in a rushed trip right? The camera needed to stay active and be active. The camera liked it that way.
At the end of the walk, reward yourself with a stick or two of wild boar sausage. If we have the cash, I would buy a few sausages to savour. The wild boar sausage was really good. Not every kind of food sold in Taiwan was delicious, you really need to find them. 
And I have no idea why I like structure of bridges so much... just like them enough to stand there and take a few snapshots of the bridge which the name escaped me completely. In conclusion, I guess this wasn't such a nice trail to take. Just try other trails. I was in no liberty to argue with the driver on which trail to take as I am 'Chinese language illiterate'. I have my travel itinerary all written in English but the driver just could not understand a single word of English. 

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