Sunday, September 04, 2016

Day 26 - 27: Aqua Hotel, East OCT...

~8th & 9th April 2014~
I thought we stayed at the Oasis Hotel but I was wrong. We stayed a night at the Aqua Hotel. The lobby was beautiful and there was a man-made waterfall outside.
Our room was huge and as we were very hungry on the first night yet too lazy to venture out to look for food, we decided to spend a fortune on simple Hunan Cuisine at the in-house restaurant. It was more to fine dining albeit the portion of serving was larger than that of a proper fine dining. I do not enjoy fine dining, I always feel very hungry after I am done with fine dining. If the heavy plates can be eaten, I would have swallow them whole.
We were looking through the menu - excuse the poor English translation. We ended up getting the simplest dishes because we could not understand the names of other dishes. We did not want to end up having something so foreign that the mouth rejected the expensive food.
The food was perfect beyond words that when I flew back home, I was still craving for those few simple dishes.

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