Monday, September 26, 2016

Jonker Walk Stop #6: Jonker Night Market....

The reason we went to Malacca was for the night market. It was way better than Taiwan's night market although we did not have that many types of food. Anyway, none of us enjoyed Taiwan's night market. I prefer Malaysian style night market.
Sadly, we did not try out the food at the different stalls because we just had a wonderful dinner at the Portuguese Settlement. The satay celup looked really inviting and the seafood stall was calling for us. I had other agenda in mind. 
We walked around and started to buy buy buy. You will feel that things at night markets were cheap but in the end, you spend so much without realizing. The hundreds of ringgit just flew out from your pocket yet you will not feel the pain. 
The best stall would be the one selling durian cream puff. It was oh, so delicious~! I finished mine quickly and went to buy for the second round. There were so many things to see. It was fun to be in the crowd for once. I don't like crowded area actually. But after this night market, we no longer went to any night markets in Penang because I prefer staying at home. 

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