Monday, September 12, 2016

Revival... Coming or Not?

To begin with, I'm not even familiar with this kinda congress. I have been to other congress where you'll be fired up by international speakers. I have heard about revival coming to Malaysia, revival coming to Penang or revival will start from East Malaysia. But where and when will it happen? 

I finally realize that revival will only come once the churches in this land are united. How united are we? We're not united at all *at this juncture, the devils laughed so loud, the devils got stomach cramps* This Mega Worshippers' Congress, organised by apostle David Swan, is not even to drag the people to his church. When you're done, you go back to your home church. This is where people congregate to usher in the presence of Yeshua. 

I have heard much about the boycott of this mega event. Then again, there were 20 odd nations coming to Penang to welcome Jesus in while the local churches chose not to take part at all. And yet you preach about revival? Some pastors even verbally 'advised' the members not to be involved in this event and not to have anything to do with this apostle David Swan's events. Yet, you preach about revival in Penang? You're so against the worship in the inner court yet you want revival? It's like you want Jesus but you ask Him to stand far far away. If revival cannot set in, judgement will come. 

How odd is it that local churches pastors are not involved in such grand movement. It's something very simple but because of rigid methods and unknown fear, we stand to lose out. If pastors call for the boycott of such event, then will those pastors hold such mega event? Hypocrites... hypocrites... 

There shouldn't be any spectators in this congress. Everyone should be performers whether on stage or down there. I was not on stage even though I could be up there with the shofar and trumpet. I still blew the shofar and Newman trumpet off the stage. There should be only one spectator and His name is Jesus. If you want to be a spectator, I think you should go catch a movie in the cinema or go to Rio de Janeiro to support the Paralympics Olympics where Malaysia has won three golds~!

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