Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Open Gym...

I joined the gym many moons back... so many moons that even the donkey couldn't count. I even persuaded the cousin-in-law to join but the moment she joined, I quit gym~! I quit because the gym wrapped up and I was asked to change venue. I walked to the gym because it was just next to my apartment building. When I was asked to go to another branch, I loathed it to the max because I had to waste my time on the road. I dislike spending my time on the road. After a few months, I gave up totally and the fats just had fun building nest under my skin.
Believe me, going to the gym can really slim you down. I prefer swimming but I have to drive even further to get to a public swimming pool. More driving~! I believe in working your arse out to have the body you want. 
The cousin-in-law is still faithfully going to the gym and I needed to get to a gym myself. I'm blessed with an open gym just across the road, but my working hours are odd. Last time, I went to the gym around noon time and to go to the open gym at noon, I think I will suffer from heat stroke. We used to go at night but there seemed to be more hooligans around the field at night, so better not. I would rather stay at home or the mosquitoes might think they can feast on me every night.
It was at the spur of the moment that I wanted to build a home gym because after checking the membership fee for the gym at SPICE Arena, I know that even if I can afford to pay the same amount, I might puncture in less than two weeks. I'm too lazy to get out of the house when the sun is shining high up in the sky. Nobody likes the heat here, you have to admit that. With the same amount, I build my home gym already. No more reason not to work out. I just need to get out of my bedroom to start working out. 

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