Tuesday, October 18, 2016

China Day 5: Animals You Can Buy at Supermarkets...

~30th January 2016~
That building looked really familiar. Oh, we were here two years ago, dining at the restaurant on the upper most floor. That was where I first tasted the coconut chicken. We entered the supermarket at the basement to look see look see. It was nothing like Wal-Mart. I thank God that we stayed near Wal-Mart. 
As usual, if they're not swimming, then nobody will buy. Still swimming means fresh and real, not some fake meat. But this supermarket has my old pet for sale...
Watersnake... stir fry or for soup??
This one must be pan fried or deep fried until crispy...
I used to have a terrapin at home... but this is for claypot terrapin soup...
This is my favourite... Malaysia also got sell... I like~!
These look like expensive tortoise...
Siput~! I like them stir fried...
So dead.... to the dustbin you go..
Kepah kecil... saya suka....

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