Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Penang Cafe Hop #1: Victorian Garden Tea Room and Cafe...

One drives, while the other navigates. Mummy navigated the driver into small lanes. I dislike places with limited parking lots but we made it~! I'm not as adventurous as mummy in hunting for cafes. 
So... Victorian Garden serves set lunch and the food was not too bad. The meat was sliced paper-thin according to my meat-thickness vocabulary. I will not say much about the pricing because it depends on the location where rental can be quite exorbitant in town area or at pre-war houses turned into cafes. There are other things the owner must pay such as the staff and also bills. 
We won't be going to the same place twice, according to mummy which I agreed unless the food was really delicious. One mouthful will either make me stick to one same place or it will send me home, sending my fingers to deal with the injustice to the stomach. 

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