Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Oz Day 12: Echo Point, Blue Mountains...

~ 17th November 2015 ~
Why is it called the Blue Mountains? Is the mountain blue in colour? It can't be because the leaves of the trees are still green in colour. If the leaves turned blue, then they must be sucking food from some other plants. The mountains looked blue because of the reflection from the sky... I think I fail Science already. It's called Blue Mountains because the mountains are blue in colour... I do not want to go further trying to explain. It's just a vast piece of God's unique creation. Enjoy the view. 
The three sisters. You can think of a story to tell. Once upon a time, there were three sisters, holding hands as they walked into the valley. Nobody knows why the three sisters walked towards the valley. It happened that they froze mid-track and turned into rocks. Sorry, I don't know the story either. I just made that up. They are unique rock formation which I enjoyed taking photos. Other than that, I don't know.
We took the cable ride which was really fun coz it went backwards and into a tunnel. Mi madre and I had a good walk in the tourist-friendly woods. And then I don't remember what we did already. It must be a long walk. I think I was really blessed to get to view Katoomba Falls.
As we were going off, the guide stopped at one part of the forest which was charred due to forest fire.

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