I've done a lot of mistakes and I did it again. It seems like there's no progress in my life. I blew away the second chance, the third, the fourth and every single chance that I was given, I blew them into smithereens. I'm hard-headed, hot-tempered, still as demanding as I used to be and worse of all, I'm a control freak. I said sorry but I fall back into my style and I couldn't understand myself what not another person...
Don't get yourself confuse with what kind of person I am. This proofs that I'm not the holier-than-thou type as I'm just a human with flaws and weaknesses of my own. Writing those numbered posts doesn't mean I'm holy and I'm without fault.
If I'm given the opening to beg for another chance, it will be a chance lost count by both parties... and I only have myself to blame...
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