Muahahahahhahahaa... There's nothing as laughing at your own photo when you were small. That was taken when we were 9 years old. All 3 of us live in the same place, went to the same primary and secondary schools. I looked so round when I was small. Chubby... cute cute.... muahahhahahaha... eh... I wonder if I have a daughter, will she look like me? A school prefect at age 9. I wonder whether I knew the meaning of holding responsibilities at such age? I just remembered that the only thing I wanted so much was getting to the top 3 or top 5 to get a prize at the end of the year. Kiasu-ism at the age of 5 years, since kindergarten years. HHmmm... I don't seem to be able to smile into camera when I was small. Why look so fierce? Haih... still fierce now... *smile* I'm cool~!
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