Monday, March 26, 2012

60% Done...

Kudos to my kids. I have wonderful teenagers who can clean up the whole house and make it spark like how I want it to be. The new house is 60% done. After days of cleaning up after debris, debris from the drilled walls to put up the air-conditioning system. The whole place is like sauna but that is the house that I've always wanted. The design of the interior of the house is just how I have envisioned it to be. A large master-bedroom, a family area where I can style it up at my own pace and the rooms for my mama and my kids. My eldest and youngest are two happiest people on earth because they have a perfect room while my pineapple and my precious stay in the same house right in the heart of town, nearer to their school.

HHhmmm... so far, we have managed to put up all the window curtains except for the ones in my own room. I still can't find the curtain that suits my uniquely designed window. The study area that will take up the whole of downstairs and also the room for piano class has been set up except that I haven't grab hold of the person who can transport the two pianos. Pff... no time... no time... I've vacuumed, swept and mopped the floor for the umpteenth time. Gonna have to go through all the cleaning process a few more times.

Dreaming of living in a big house is different than having it in reality. At least I have a lot of helpers or else I would be standing in the empty house wishing that everything will go into place according to my index finger. I give commands, can never follow one myself. Love the house no matter how hot the whole house is. Just need to air-condition the whole place up then it will be okay until I have the next shock of looking at the electricity bill...

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