Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Good Head Start... Just For Today...

Obviously it is good because I woke up on my own. I have a good slumber, no wake up calls, nobody to startle me as my mobile phones are 24 hours switch on. I woke up really fresh and it's 10 a.m. sharp. I did not crawl straight to my computer because my computer is still in the hospital, getting patched up for committing suicide. I did not murder my computer. It decided to terminate itself after looking at too many of my photos. So, I am trying to revive it back.
I just need to drive out and get some things done. I have been wanting to do something for the car... to wash the car... but you can't expect me to arm myself with a bucket and sponge and soap water and sponge and scrub the whole car. I will never do that and I have never done that. I'll just need to drive-thru and get it done for only RM3. Cheap... and to think about it... the car has not been washed for more than a year and the drive-thru car wash is just a turn from my junction. Today, I decided to turn in and get it done. The Bangladeshi
workers asked me to wind down my window and said to me, "Your car is very dirty. You keep all the money and RM3 also don't want to use to wash car." Haih... not keep all the money la... but I can't seem to find the time to drive-thru it.

I went to Tesco to get my grocery shopping done because there was nothing left in the freezer or refrigerator. I'm procrastinating again... looking at the ticking clock. I'm about to rush again... see my time is always so limited. I did not prepare a shopping list today because again, the computer died and my printer is stuck to that computer, not this one. So I just simply buy...
Now that I'm online, I did not plan to update this blog. I just wanted to check my e-mail and I'm waiting for a very important reply which fails to reach at this point of time and my patience is running very low. Actually, if you know me very well, you will know that my patience is zero at any time. But I'm going to learn to grow some patience in me... *keeping fingers cross* I want back my computer, can't wait for my computer to come back then I can continue to upload my beautiful China photos and write about my fantastic trip. Each of the trips that I've made is uniquely designed by God Himself... so each trip is differently yet equally fantastic.
Time to head to the kitchen or else I'll be rushing again. Errm... I've never shed a tear while chopping onions.. but I like the picture... there's a chicken on the kitchen top. I can live as long as chicken... hehehhee... gonna continue to be hardworking for the rest of today. Tomorrow will be another issue :D

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