Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Day 18: Two Meals a Day...

~ 31st March 2014 ~
We didn't do much for the day. We went out for breakfast. Due to the terrible weather, we decided not to cross the road as the pathway might be slippery. We wanted to minimize the number of steps we take so we just went to Hong Bo Hotel next to our apartment building. There's a restaurant by the name of 10 Residences (10号公馆) but Google Translate mentioned it as No 10 Mansion instead of Residences. 
The 7 of us ate quite a lot. We crawled back home after that to continue with our hibernation. It's sleep and watch more television and then we waited for dinner. None of us felt like eating anything luxurious so Pinky had her favourite vegetables of sorts while I have my mushroom with chicken dish. I can live on that alone.
That's all for our day... so nice... The sun gave a peek before it set. The storm continued to brew. 

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