Saturday, May 21, 2016

Day 19: Three Meals in a Day...

~ 1st April 2014~
The weather was not that bad albeit it was still drizzling on and off. I had my milkshake before going out. I cannot live without chocolate drink. I have Ovaltine at home if not Milo. 
Father drove grandparents to the restaurant while we had to take the subway a few stations away from home. I live like a local and being so much at home, I didn't feel like moving my feet one station away from home. Grandparents always eat at the same restaurant so since we were all home, they wanted to go a bit further from home. Our breakfast could last till lunch. 
We had breakfast at the Fenicle Restaurant and we took some family photos there as the place was beautifully decorated. The place looked very 'atas' - high end and we felt like expensive patrons.
As usual we skipped lunch but on the way home, we saw a banner stating a 50% discount at a sushi place outside the apartment building at the Ecology Square.

The discount was at a given time, a rather odd time which was tea time. Since we skipped lunch, we could wait until grandparents wake up from their afternoon nap then we would proceed with our eating spree. Grandparents were very adventurous. They tried on the sushi. The sushi place was called Green Days Sushi while the topping of the sushi tasted great but the workers have no skills making sushi. The sushi rice fall apart before you could even use a pair of chopsticks to transfer them from plate to mouth. It just crumbled onto the plate. It would be better eaten with a spoon. Then, there was a misunderstanding where they charged us without the discounted rate due to the different colour of the plates but luckily, grandma reminded me to look through the camera since I have snapped every plate of sushi. Yay~!
We went home and waited upon dinner to be served. That's all we did for the day. Went our for breakfast, walked many steps then had sushi for tea and then dinner and ended up as couch potato for the rest of the night.

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