Friday, October 25, 2013

Yen's Kitchen: It's Not Just Another Quiche...

How did I start making a quiche that nothing beats it? I have no idea. You know, I've never even tasted a quiche before right until now, I still don't know how does a quiche taste like except for my own. I was just flipping through my small little cook book of French cuisine. Then while I was leafing through the colourful pages of pictures on the right and instructions on the left, I was kinda attracted to the picture of a very simple Quiche Lorraine. The ingredients were simple as well... so why not try it out? The illustration of food is rather important.

I ping my mental kitchen helper... more like an angel sent to me to help me out when I'm facing kitchen problems... and he has been a really great helper who knows a lot about food theoretically since he always sings to the tune that he only knows how to eat. Oh, well... better than getting no help at all. So, the first one was already a success but prior to that I was like a duck swimming around.
You've probably seen a duck swimming. The duckie looks so calm and happy, pretty relaxed but if you have seen the feet paddling like mad down there, you would have known that it wasn't easy to stay afloat. So, it's the same with me. I look pretty calm but inside me I almost fainted, I have no idea how should the texture of a quiche be like. Was it suppose to be wobbly like you have your spare tires around your waist or just bouncy enough like a baby's soft cheeks? I was snapping photos and consulting my kitchen angel and it was a great relieve to get it right at the first try. I may have worked my ass off in the kitchen for 10 years but I still find it a great struggle when I couldn't get it right. Cooking is fun but when you fail to produce the best, your heart sank all the way down to your feet and got stuck in between your toes for a few days until you manage to get them improved and perfected. If I can't get it right then I'll just try to forget about everything and mourn for my failure for a few days and get on with life.
The simple quiche Lorraine with only bacon and the few ingredients that you really needed to make a quiche like eggs and creme, upgraded itself into a spinach and bacon quiche. That was my kitchen angel's suggestion and I just tried that out. There's no recipe to it... just follow your instinct. Now, it becomes everyone else's favourite but not mine. The quiche went up a notch higher and transformed into a mixed seafood quiche. When I said mixed seafood I'm not referring to just a stick of fake crab meat. Today I felt that I've been tricked by a cafe when I ordered a mixed seafood sandwich which has lots of onions and ONE miserable completely chopped up fake crab meat stick with lots of mayonnaise. It was delicious... who can deny that anything with mayonnaise isn't delicious? So, when I talk about mixed seafood I'm talking about REAL giant king crab meat, REAL fresh scallops, large juicy prawns and a block of salmon. That's what I have in my mixed seafood quiche. That is my favourite.
This is just not any ordinary quiche. I trust my kitchen angel's taste and if he says nothing beats this... then that should be it. Someone requested this for her birthday so I happily baked one just for her. You don't need to have a birthday cake all the time to celebrate a birthday. Do something differently once in awhile... I still remember my hubby gave me a whole box of 'bak kwa' for my birthday... love that the most... but I got a shaggy dog cake last year also from the hubby. I've wanted the shaggy dog cake for many years and only last year he bought me a shaggy dog cake. I wouldn't mind having 'bak kwa'... I don't remember what is 'bak kwa' in English. 

In conclusion.. there will be lots more quiche coming. Quiche is easy to make... and since everyone enjoys it I don't mind doing it... and I only have a slice of the quiche above and the whole quiche disappears after a few minutes. Earlier with the mixed seafood quiche the whole quiche disappeared in less than 2 minutes. Yeah... one of the kitchen crew actually timed how fast food disappears from the table.

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