It's not my birthday, Valentine's Day will be coming again next year on the same date and Christmas is not even around the corner....

Collected this at Wah Chan in Gurney... the pendant with my Chinese name and the latest design necklace... No, they're not silver but made of white gold. 100 gram cost at lest RM1.4k.... mine's more than that....
Eventhough I'm wearing a gold necklace right now, but I prefer white gold. Why? There's no resale value. Nobody's going to snatch it from my neck unless the snatcher is purely stupid!

Footwear... my choice will be Scholl. The price is reasonable and I already have two pairs. No point going to Vincci coz' usually I do not get the size that I wanted. I got Crocodile instead yesterday... the price is very very cheap... only RM39.90 compared to Scholl which is RM100++.
Hush Puppies and Clarks will be too pricey. A pair of slippers for Hush Pups cost at least RM164 and for Clarks will be RM269... RM269 for a pair of slippers? I can keep it at home and just see it when I feel like wearing it....
Lucky me too coz this is the last one and the largest size. I'm in size 10 for feminine-typed footwear but Scholl will be size 7... Camel Active is pure leather.... good for walking long distance... Never fancied high-heels, it'll only hurt my feet... take three steps and I might even sprain my ankle.

Nice and small.... that's what I like.... never like big bags...
ELLE from Paris.... izit really from Paris? The fake-branded stuff nowadays look like the genuine one too.... so don't be cheated.
Some people prefer to buy cheap quality bags because bags are use-and-tear objects. Old bag gets torn, get a new one! No matter what, I still love genuine stuff.

This is the Lizard wallet...genuine leather, from Great Britain....
Smell and touch it... you'll know the difference
Brand new stuff for brand new year! Then again... what to do with the old stuff? Can't throw them away coz they're still new and usable.
so money to splurge on these stuff =)
Oohhh.... that's the benefit of working according to reality but not my dreams....
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