Friday, December 23, 2016

♡ Penang Island ♡ Audi Dream Farm ❀

Our third stop was a dream farm. According to the owner, the name Audi carries no meaning. You can rent bicycles and cycle around as the farm was quite big. If not, just talk a stroll. 
The range of unique pigeons from overseas was fascinating. I am not going to post up any of the unique pigeons in this post because it was in another photo album in Facebook, no longer in my hard disc. And I have too many photo albums in Facebook, I have no idea how to find it. 
I like the vegetable farm, not that I like eating vegetables. I just like the farm. It's neat. I like to see things grow from the ground. Like to see those tendrils twirl and amazed with how the whole support system of a plant can support such heavy pumpkin and gourds hanging high up. 
Chickens, ducks and I remember turkeys... but I guess those turkeys ended up in another photo album as well. I've been to Audi Dream Farm three times and there were changes each time going there. Positive changes with more animals. There were mousedeers there, too.
And more goats. A different kind from Saanen's. Met the owner who shared with us his story. It started with how he loved rearing pigeons. 

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