I love my job.
I cannot deny that my job is more to fun than working. I do not have to answer to any boss. I do things my way. I wear what I like. And I have fun time laughing most of the time. Kids and teenagers, I get along with them superbly. Just go down to their level and speak their 'language'. Before long, I'm closer to them than they are to their parents. I spend some of my free time with them... not everyone coz most of them are afraid of me. Am I that fierce? We go shopping, drive from the north to the south just to look for good food, climb up the hill JUST to look for food, skate in circles no doubt it's boring but if you look at it in another perspective, it's not what you do or where you go, it's the company of people surrounding you. Kids at the age of seven, they can discuss things with you. Listen to them, and they will listen to you. Respect is something you have to gain. A word for the school teachers, by screaming and beating them, ain't gonna gain you any respect. They hate you even more.
In the end, I'm so hooked to the Internet, chatting and clicking here and there. And I fall madly in love with watersports. The only bad memory I ha
ve had with water was when I was 13. I almost drowned but face your fear. Most people will stay away from something which almost took their life, but I'm the total opposite. Scared of something, face it. I love searching for good food. Mind you, I'm really lazy by now but still work just that the strength and the spirit is somewhere else. Come on... focus.. stay focus...! By now, my bedroom looks like a few tornadoes have passed by. My clothes, I don't eve
n know which one is clean and which one is dirty. I just want to..
Hahahaa.... study? I did go to Wawasan Open U to enquire about accounting courses. It will take me 5 years to complete the whole thing. That was before I get myself involved with watersports. Then again, I better not step into something which I will definitely puncture halfway... and my friends asked me a question that trigger my thought, "Do you really need that piece of paper? It's not like you don't have a job. We're different because we need that piece of paper badly to get a good job." That answered my question, I don't need that paper and I'm doing better than the others. Amen!
At the end of the year, I find myself very good in arguing and quarreling. Not communication break down, just that I have this policy...
That...will have to change just for someone I really adore. Are you making any comments? Did I ask you for your comments? If you really want to speak your mind....
u hv so much to say.... thk God u din describe every minute in yr life or else u can 4get about yr work n become a full-time blogger ;)
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