I, personally fight for freedom of speech.
I am quite surprised that there are people who do not understand the phrase 'freedom of speech'. Mind you, the things that I say may sound unpleasant to your ears depending on how you read it. Or should I change my fight... okay... okay... am gonna change it right now~!

I fight for the freedom of writing. There... there... much better.
There are a few people who still do not understand that everyone has the freedom to write. I'm not writing about the government neither am I writing about anyone in particular. Pseudonyms are used in certain posts and if you're reading it and feel like I'm speaking to you through my writing, then you should learn how to appreciate my way of writing which speaks volume.

In this blog of mine, you can find just anything. If you're not enjoying your life and live in piles and piles of work, you can't blame me for having a better life, a more relaxing life with many outings and future trips to come. Just because you're not having a great life doesn't mean I have to follow after you and lock myself in the room and mourn for
my boring life. I have a good life. I can write any shoutout about my coming events or upload any of me photos on trips, you have no say about anything.

I'm actually quite 'amazed' by how you see prayers being answered. Didn't know you have such a crooked thinking, worse than a donkey's.
By the way, you should realize one thing... you have the FREEDOM TO CLICK... if everything I write is not in favour of your reading appetite, the mouse is just a fingertip away for you to click away. Don't have to be hopping mad all the time when you see my posts of holidays or when I have my thoughts typed out in colourful fonts.

great blog.. thanks for you analygies of freedom.. it actually helped me in an english essay!
You're welcome, dear anonymous...
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