I've written before that I'm very particular with my kitchen. No intruders but looks like it has been taken over and there's nothing much that I can do about it. There was one day that I was not feeling well, so my precious insisted that she wanted to cook something for me to eat. The only thing she can cook other than instant noodles is...
yeah... BULLSEYE~! There's no instant noodles in my kitchen. No biscuits or anything. You need food, you'll have to cook it. So, she started getting the hang of it that the next week, she asked to use the kitchen again. I'm so afraid she might burn down the whole house so strict kitchen rules are to be followed at all times. I don't care how old or mature they are, they can only use my kitchen under my supervision.
*Gulp*... I love eggs but when the eggs were being used excessively, I couldn't stomach that. From one piece it became...
... the whole platter... and even a whole big plate of scrambled eggs...
...which I put ice-cream on the bread to make it taste different...
Since my precious wants to cook so much, I put her in-charge of the kitchen on Fridays. More time for her to spend in the kitchen as school ends earlier. Instead of eggs and instant noodles, I taught her how to 'stir' to get the best chicken porridge...
... and I'll add some other side dishes, sometimes spicy prawns, chicken bits, fish and that's all I guess... there's nothing much to put in there as we don't really eat pork, neither mutton nor beef, no doggie meat or rabbit, insects or rats, or fox... *aiyo* Now, I'm eating porridge every Friday... but it tastes simply delicious. It's great to have someone cooking for you once in awhile. I feel so honoured and blessed.

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