~Fear of failure, not failure, cripples people ~
It is true that thousands and thousands attend church services. Some occasionally, some diligently but only you know your heart. A person can go to church every week yet never have any relationship with God. Some are dishearten whenever trials and tribulations come hitting them hard from the left, right, front, back, top and bottom. So, for this book, it's like a continuation from the previous book. I agree whole-heartedly regarding these few issues:

- Evangelical success is at an all-time low. Nobody wants to evangelise in fear of being rebuke thus, leaving the job to missionaries.
- We're producing more backsliders than true converts. We should always look at the laws and also the grace of God. Keep everything in balance. It's not written that a Christian life is a smooth-sailing one. If it's a smooth-sailing one, then you're in the wrong boat.
- The fall-away rate - from large crusades to local churches - is between 80-90%
~ Courage is not the absence of fear, but the conquest of fear ~
Reminder to all Christians: A church is not an elite social group where you mix and look for friends ONLY and get yourself busy with various activities and camps. There's more to that...

Read more... read... the world is really decaying... don't make this happen...

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