“Let not the wise boast of their wisdom

After reading 'The Slap' I have to reprogramme my mind with something good. My mind has been defiled by the filthy writing of Christos Tsiolkas. It's a pity that the author never know God even with the Hillsong church standing tall and praising God all over Australia... what a pity to his dark soul.
Cornelia ten Boom. A nobody. It's how God chose the nobody to do His work. In the darkest pit of life, that's where a person will find God. And God moved mightily in Corrie's work. One has to understand why the Jews were exterminated like their lives did not mean a single thing. It's written in the Bible when God cursed the whole nation of Israel for refusing to acknowledge God as their God. Read more from God's Tsunami written by Peter Tsukahira. But in times of trouble, God raised people from all walks of life to save countless number of Jews during the invasion of Germans into Holland.
Indeed, the Germans were heartless souls, so lost and hard as stones. Barbarians~!! But God was very angry with the Jews as well. Cornelia ten Boom did wonderful things and submitted her every movement to God, turning to God when she was faced with a dead end. Miraculous things happened before her eyes. God answered her prayers immediately. She has obeyed the Lord in every way. No doubt she suffered in the concentration camp and prisons, but God gave her the strength to survive through the ordeal and share it to the whole world.
I hope many will be touched and start to believe that there's a real and true living God. Don't just watch the movie, a book is always better than a movie. A movie will not be able to fit in everything word for word. Read... read... read...
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