It's a minute to 12 a.m. and by the time I finish writing this piece, it will be way past 12 midnight. It will be Saturday, the 26th of March 2011. I like peace and quietness as my fingers pounded rhythmically against the keyboard. I have an accompanying background sound now as my hubby is snoring while I'm preparing notes for tomorrow's lesson. I'm still a last-minute person. I get the oomph to do things at the last minute. My hubby is the same in this part. We're the last minute people, so sometimes I frustrated with him but he's never frustrated with me. That's the joy of having a husband who loves you more than loving himself.

I have wanted to put the house in proper order. I would love to give a major transformation to the two connecting rooms in the house and turned it into a comfortable family room. I like Japanese style... on the floor... no sofa sets but with lots and lots of pillows on the floor. But when I open the door and look at both rooms, I know it will take me years to transform those two rooms. I believe that to keep a house sparkling clean and spotless, you need talent. I have no talent in doing that. I can't even put the things back on the same place from where I take them.

My things are strewn everywhere and if you ever hear people complaining that their husbands leave the dirty clothes on the floor.... I'll just laugh that off... as I'm the one leaving dirty clothes all over the floor and my hubby does the laundry and he will be picking them up for washing. Folding clothes?? Oh, please... I don't see why clothes must be folded and stacked neatly in the cupboards. If I ever fold my clothes, then I'll always be wearing the first two clothes on the stack and the clothes at the bottom will never be touched. My clothes are hung according to the colours.... thanks to my hubby again. 

I'm just a one-week-old wife. I feel pampered. I have half-boiled eggs ready in the kitchen when I wake up. I have my Milo in the refrigerator. I have my clothes picked for the day and left on the bed. And I'm left alone to do my own things, to work, to work out in the gym, to hang around with my best friends, to cook, to fetch my kids home from school... then my hubby will be back from work. The daily routine is the same, no changes at all. I'm still working until 10 p.m. at night. I have time for everyone. 

What I hate most is looking at the bills. The bills are never ending. Phone bill, electricity bill, credit card bill, water bill, less Astro bill because I chopped it off as I'm not a television addict. Talking about television, I finally start to watch my Singapore teledrama again. This time I'm watching "Just in Singapore". Not bad just that I'm irritated with the advertisements in between. There are more than 20 advertisements every 15 minutes into the show. So in the end the show is more like a half-an-hour sitcom instead of a solid 1 hour show. My Samsung video recorder used to be able to record television programmes until I just realized this afternoon that it can't be used to record the show anymore as I have changed my Samsung television away. *Dang*

I've lots and lots of things to write about but the daily routine seems to suck away my time. I can't even find time to read so now I go to the gym with my books. I will cycle for an hour and read at the same time. Killing two birds with one stone since I'm quite bored working out without doing anything with my brain. I feel so inactive and I just must have something to read. So looks like I have to use my time wisely to squeeze in everything. There must be time for everything. 

*Yawn* My eyes are starting to droop but the rain has stopped. Why must the rain stop when I like sleeping while it's raining because it's more cooling and superbly comfortable. It has been raining every day especially in the evening until the next morning since last Saturday. Morning will be sunny and bright. I better go off and have my beauty sleep as I'll be working tomorrow. I'm working everyday so no difference. 

I miss my Donkey. I can't wait to slam Donkey with my writing. Donkey helps sharpen my writing skill. Love you Donk Donk... great photos with the kids... but sad to tell you that you look so fake... so insincere... it's just to put up a show that you're a caring and loving man when in fact you're not at all.. I snap photos more than you do so I know how fake looks like. You can fool the world into believing what you want them to believe but you can't fool me. Good psychology trick... too bad I can see through you... you're just a businessman seeking for glory... you're not a great man just a speck of dust... insignificant...
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