Thanks, Eric. For the time being, I will be the person with the thickest facial skin and pretend that you're wishing me well on my big day.
That signature of mine is priceless. That piece of paper is important to me. I penned down a signature to a new life. I have the best photographer who managed to snap all the photos like how I want them to be. Gracie reads my mind as I didn't tell her how I wanted the photos to be. I just left the camera with her. Thanks Gracie for the lovely photos. A different perspective of life... I'll change gradually, in my own tempo. It feels different after signing the paper. It's like I'm playing another role instead of holding to my old role. HHhmmm... it's like I grow up suddenly... but hahahaha... I'll still be a lot of myself, jumping around.

I like this, Eric. Indeed it is true that the old end will eventually become a new beginning. We've known each other for 15 years and work together for 8 years. He knows me more than I know myself. The proposal came long ago and I gave him the answer after 7 years. 18th of March 2011... that's the date that marks the new beginning. I'll be the best wife that you can ever imagine. Oh... oh... clean the house... clean the house... *headache*
Let's serve God together and be used mightily in His kingdom. I love you... in my own ways...
Glad you like the photos, later you will see from mine. Grab any if you like.
God bless your marriage, your home, and in everything, remember to put God the head of it.
Will surely put God as the head of the family~!
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