English Literature was introduced into the secondary school's English Language subject 10 years ago. Students are make - yes... make... many don't read anymore... to read two books. One with poems and short stories, another book... a novel. It's fair that after 10 years of using the same books, there aren't many questions to ask anymore in the public exam thus, the change in the usage of reading materials this year.
I was aghast when my precious brought the books back for me to read. I have to keep myself updated with any changes.
I read about 'Black Beauty' at the age of nine, if not mistaken. That's a very thick novel WITHOUT illustrations. I actually read every word printed in this new book or should I say... comic... and slow reading took me 9 minutes to finish....
I even have time to snap photos...
They are already not the bookworm type, why not encourage them to read more? The teenagers are dumping the books aside as they have finished flipping through that NOVEL on the first day of school itself. By the way, how do you write a summary on an already summarised story? It's such a nice story... why spoil the beauty of reading with pictures... and more pictures... and coloured pictures? Why not just ask Disney to air it in 3-D? That will be more interesting~!
That's another book... that should last for 3 years and I finished it within 20 minutes.
*shake head* I don't know what to say about all these books. How are they going to improve their English when the words they are learning are so shallow? How are they going to read the Bible without knowing the international language? Read their blogs... most of them can't even construct a proper sentence. I'm not saying that I'm brilliant in using English, but there should be a standard that they can measure up to.

When I was still in primary school, I have already finished reading the collection of Enid Blyton's books... 
...and not to forget the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew sleuth work....

How come I don't see the whole series of Sweet Valley Kids, Sweet Valley Twins, Sweet Valley High and Sweet Valley University in the bookstores anymore?

There are so many books that I've read. Stephen King, Christopher Pike, Danielle Steele, Sidney Sheldon and the list of authors keep on expanding... the title of books... ENDLESS~!

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