- Our first requirement is to trust Christ for our personal salvation.
- We then need to trust Him, for each day's problems.
- The secret to victory in the Christian life is to "live in vital union with Christ."
- "Let your roots grow down into Him" - Notice he doesn't say a creed, a church, a preacher, a set of rules. He declares it is only in "Him - the Lord Jesus Christ" that we can receive this life and nourishment.
- "Draw up nourishment from Him". Once we have a personal relationship with Chrsit, we must daily 'draw up nourishment from Him'. We must actively pursue our walk and relationship with the Master. The rest of this cer describes three characteristics that will be evident if we do this.
- "Go on growing in the Lord". We are challenged to continue our Christian walk.
- "Become strong and vigorous in the truth". We will have a hunger and a real desire for God's Word.
- The fruit and testimony of this godly walk will be a real overflow of joy and thanksgiving.
~ Relax, receive, restore, refresh and refuel! ~
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