- Wake up at 7:15 a.m. latest by 8 a.m.
- Hit the gym every day without fail
- Not to do last minute work like what I've been doing every time rushing away
- Clean the house an hour a day
- Blog for an hour, spend less time online
- Line up more activties with friends
- Be nice to my own kids, close one eye when they do something that will blow me off the roof
*Crumple the list into a ball... throw it into the waste paper basket* Forget about resolutions... I'm not able to follow them... *sigh*
Donkey says,"Stop making new year resolutions and start building creations."

I like the first part about stop making new year resolutions, when I read the second part *slams Donkey's head against the floor several times*

Donkey must have watched Tron: Legacy too many times. When Clu was standing before the programs, taking pride over his creation, I have Donkey in mind. No one can build creation. Creation can only be created by the creator... that's God Himself. I pray that for the year 2011, God will hit Donkey really hard with His hammer for playing god.

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