Draw me close to You
Never let me go
I lay it all down again
To hear You say that I'm Your friend
You are my desire
No one else will do'
Cause nothing else could take Your place
To feel the warmth of Your embrace
Help me find the way
Bring me back to You
You're all I want
You're all I've ever needed
You're all I want
Help me know You are near
That's the song which I eventually broke down like a burst water dam. All the way to Kuching... God spoke to me. You know that temporary tattoo that I had. I was glad I had it when I was in the Catholic church so God wouldn't recognize me there. I was having a silly notion that He might not recognize me in Emmanuel Baptist Church as well and I wished I would have scrubbed harder when I was bathing to remove it so God can recognize me. He did recognize me. He knew I was there and He knew I was going to be there even before I decided to go. He has planned ahead and you meeting sister Jane and family wasn't a coincidence. Nothing is coincidence. There's no such word in my dictionary.
The moment we stepped into the church, the usher gave me the church bulletin but didn't give it to you. I didn't think much of it until I read it. I dared not tell you that I was given a tight slap by God there and then. See that last phrase... And be thankful... I'm not thankful... I've always wanted more and more and more. Nothing seems to be enough for me.

There's one more condition that many people don't know about me. I can only sit still for an hour at max. That's why I'm always moving about and going places. That nite when you flipped the church bulletin to the back portion and I saw the 10.00p.m. printed black and bold, I wanted to scream my head off. By 9:15p.m. I was fidgeting and I was trying to sit as still as possible. Again, God knows. The sermon ended at exactly 9:30p.m. that's how long I could stand. Deep down I know God knows what's in my heart and my mind. I can't deny His existence. I do acknowledge His existence but I'm too hard-headed to do anything about it.
U sure know how to bocor the pipe within me.... I'm speechless, I want to be there for u now, I dunno how n what to say
Don't say anything for the time being... I'm grateful that you're around...
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