Marking the Holidays...
I can't take it anymore. I must have my holidays. It must be well planned this time round. I've marked all the public holidays and school holidays. Let's see what 2011 has to offer...
January has not much to offer.
9th of January is Thaipusam... the road in front will probably be jammed... But anyway, I won't be around in Penang as my holidays will be ON~! Yippee~!! And I'll be away for 5 days. Then, my birthday falls on the 27th of January but it's on a weekday. It's too bad that I can't declare a holiday for my birthday. My mama declared a holiday on her birthday... should follow after her footstep... *flips calendar to the second month*
There are more days to relax in February. There's a five-day hols in conjunction to Chinese New Year...
I won't be around in Penang as well as usual... will be shaking my legs up in one of the northern states... probably will have steamboat day in and day out. This time round I'll bring my own lappie as many people will be haording the desktop. Will bring my card reader along so that I can upload some photos if there are any and blog about it to kill time.
There's one more day on the 15th of February, Hari Keputeraan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. Being in a multiple race country, also an Islamic country, I get to enjoy holidays celebrated by the Chinese, Muslim and Indian... just lurving it.
There's a week of school holidays in the middle of March after the first exam. I still have nothing in mind. Maybe will ask Judz or Juju to come out with something but then again, I'll be working as usual minus all the cooking and kids in school. Probably will squeeze in movies or one day outings.
There's only one day off on the 22nd of April and that's for Good Friday. But I guess it's not a public holiday. I don't remember but if the schools are off, then I'll probably take an off day and go collect some eggshells to be painted on.
Wesak Day celebrated by the Buddhists is on the 17th of May. Then it will be followed by a two-week school holidays and I've planned to go to Kuala Lumpur either on the first or second week.
I've never been to KL to shop and walk around usually I went there for business. Since I've seen other countries, I should look closely at my own country. The mid-term school break will start at the end of May and stretches till the end of June's first week.
7th of July is a gazetted holiday for Penang as Georgetown has been declared as the World Heritage Site by Unesco. Dream on I'll take the day off and walk the streets of Georgetown... I'll most probably be dipping in the swimming pool like a hippopotamus.
Hari Nuzul al-Quran falls on the 17th of August so another day to plan for outing. Then it will be followed by another week of school break but what I'm not satisfied is...
Hari Raya Aidilfitri and the National Day fall on the same day and that include the school break as well. Why didn't separate them away from the school break so that I can get more holidays?
There's also one day of Malaysia Day where Sabah and Sarawak come in together as one.
Deepavali is in October, there's no public holiday in November but that doesn't matter as the end-year break starts and my life begins again. Christmas will be here again :) Looks like I've finish the whole year of 2011 in less than half an hour... signing off again... adios~!
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